求助:G R&R
用户反馈信息:I run the Gage R&R based on the data in your attached file, and got difference result. The %study is higher(over 30%), which means the measurement system is not good at process control. The %tolerence is over 20% a little bit, probably OK, but still need to improve. The most variation is due to repeatability is high, you need to find out the root casue. You can see detailed report in attached.
疑问: %Study Var=33.15与%Contribution=10.99 的数值代表什么意思?哪个重要?平常 G R&R指地是哪个值?
Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 9.61E-05 10.99
Repeatability 9.39E-05 10.73
Reproducibility 2.20E-06 0.25
StdDev Study Var %Study Var
Source (SD) (5.15*SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 9.80E-03 0.050487 33.15
Repeatability 9.69E-03 0.049905 32.76
Reproducibility 1.48E-03 0.007644 5.02
operator 1.48E-03 0.007644 5.02
用户反馈信息:I run the Gage R&R based on the data in your attached file, and got difference result. The %study is higher(over 30%), which means the measurement system is not good at process control. The %tolerence is over 20% a little bit, probably OK, but still need to improve. The most variation is due to repeatability is high, you need to find out the root casue. You can see detailed report in attached.
疑问: %Study Var=33.15与%Contribution=10.99 的数值代表什么意思?哪个重要?平常 G R&R指地是哪个值?
Source VarComp (of VarComp)
Total Gage R&R 9.61E-05 10.99
Repeatability 9.39E-05 10.73
Reproducibility 2.20E-06 0.25
StdDev Study Var %Study Var
Source (SD) (5.15*SD) (%SV)
Total Gage R&R 9.80E-03 0.050487 33.15
Repeatability 9.69E-03 0.049905 32.76
Reproducibility 1.48E-03 0.007644 5.02
operator 1.48E-03 0.007644 5.02
3 个回复
cjsir (威望:1) (江苏 连云港) 电子制造 员工